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This is Querkle. A pinkish tint, she is a keeper. Space Queen dominant Querkle. I have a blog of my Querkle with pictures.
Here is a picture of one of the strains after winterizing with 192 proof polish vodka
A few more pictures after winterizing.
This QWISO is incredible vaporizing! Winterized and really cleaned up, it is really worth it.
Here is all 4 strains mixed in my AeroTank.
I used the very best of each strain. All I see in my flower room now is oil!
Jul 16 2014 New discovery!
May be better than RSO, not confirmed yet, but sure seems to be the whoop.
The batch of QWISO hash I have been vaping is about three months old now. This QWISO has not seen any heat. I have been ingesting a small dose about once every two weeks just to see if it would naturally decarb. Now that it has been just about three months, I ate a dose and I got baked! Kind of over baked actually. The buzz was different than RSO. This may be a better medicinal choice. No heat required, no tools required. I will be discussing more about this soon.
Jul 17 2014 Well day three of eating the winterized QWISO that has naturally decarbed:
It was winterized with 192 proof vodka.
After winterizing it removed all of the flavanoids and probably other good things. For a medicinal oil, I do not recommend winterizing.
The potency is right up there compared to RSO. I don't even know what I would call this oil really. I guess maybe ND SAP? Naturally Decarbed and SAP, that fits well because to maintain the medicinal properties of the oil it will have to stay at a consistency of runny or thick sap depending on the solvent and strains. Really I think I prefer 190 proof or higher organic or grain alcohol. Then you don't have to be so concerned with the product being fully purged and also keep it at a sap state. Then you will know for sure that all of the terpines and CBDs are in the oil. I am starting to believe that this is very important. Adding any heat that takes it above 100 degrees F can potentially degrade the product by evaporating all of the turpines and possibly some CBDs. With RSO, there are no terpines and much of the CBDs have been destroyed or lost in my opinion. Another great thing with this SAP that naturally decarbs is it will not require large amounts of marijuana to make a batch. This is great for people that just don't have the funds available to go out and get 1/4 pound of buds to make a batch of RSO. Also, it may not be possible. Like a non resident in CO is only allowed 1/4 ounce per day. With this SAP you can get by and make your oil. The biggest inconvenience is the three month wait for it to decarb. Maybe a little less time, but also it could require a bit more time. For someone in a situation where they need the usable oil now, they can make a batch of some QWET SAP and date it, put away some for the three month decarbing. Take what you need to decarb and do so by heating the oil using a double boiler, stove top, lighter and a spoon, or even a rice cooker, there are many possibilities. Keeping in mind the alcohol has already been evaporated out. The SAP is being stored in syringes. You can always squirt a little into a small frying pan, add a little bit of alcohol, turn up the heat a little (no higher than medium) until the alcohol bubbles out. Let it cool and eat it. The longer you wait, the more it will decarb. Like when I make a batch of RSO, it doesn't seem to be really decarbed until the next day.
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