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March 8, 2018
Last month I finally got around to adding in the extra vent to exhaust the grow room heat to the outside for warmer days. For the cooler months, I exchanging the heat  from the grow closet into the main room. I used the wood panel that covers the window hole after installing the AC. The vent outside is pretty much inconspicuous compared to the first time I tried this. Instead of a damper exit outside, similar to a dryer vent, I used an in-line damper inside. Outside I have a basic house vent that can be opened or closed as needed. I had to use one of those ducting conversion pieces taking my 6” vent tube to an approximately 6 x 10” grille.

I plan to engineer a design that will allow me to conveniently switch form air exchange to air exhaust without having to disconnect and reconnect the main tube. The purpose of all of this is to have the heating and cooling more efficient, not only for the grow room, but the whole house.
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