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Nov 21 2014 On the third day of eating a joint it started to really seem like oil. Took a few days to get into my system before feeling like oil.
Later in the day, after eating my joint of strawberry cough, I decided to try a 1/2 joint of 6 month old space dawg. Space dawg is a potent strain, I wish I kept that one. Strangely it hit me like a pill, within 40 minutes. Then I got intense visual effects, which is a character of the space dawg. Really high quality will do that too, (not RSO).
The next morning, 4th day, I was too baked when I woke up to even think about eating another joint. I was not able to eat any until after about noon and I was still buzzing a bit then! I am still buzzing right now from it.
Eating joints compares to oil when the buds are naturally decarbed, and only that way in my opinion. I have never had any luck with medibles that were cooked in an oven or heated otherwise.
Eating 1 to 2 naturally decarbed joints per day, well, I would be high 24/7. This is of course with top shelf buds. I could smoke those same joints and not be high all day.
It is a different buzz, like oil, I don't get the red eyes, I don't get anxiety as long as I don't take too much vs. smoking, and you are getting all of the medicinal properties of the flower.
If I had cancer or some illness and had no access to oil, I surely would eat decarbed buds. Even if I had access to RSO, if I thought I had cancer, I would still eat the buds along with taking RSO. Preferably ND Sap (naturally decarbed oil).
This is really great for health effects. You can figure out what your desired medication is, whether it is one, two, or three joints per day (ingested- (eating)), after knowing the desired amount of medication, you can also eat some fresh buds which will not increase the buzz, it may even calm it down. Then you can get even more of the health benefits of cannabis. I actually had no idea that eating cannabis that has naturally decarbed could be just as effective as oil. I am convinced.
Give it a try, for at least 3 days.
medmanmike Dec 02 2014 gg, been meaning to follow up with you regarding our ongoing conversation, and then I stumbled across this blog. Perfect timing!
I've been experimenting with ND Sap/oil as you know. Also, cannabutter and dried bud (caps). I'll follow up with my Sap comments on your other blog.
First, coconut cannabutter. I made a batch (Bad Kitty Smiles recipe, with heat)during the summer and capped them - approximately 1 ml/cap. One cap didn't do much. Two at the same time still wasn't too much. I put them in the freezer and kind of forgot about them. Occasionally, I would try one and the potency seemed to vary. More weeks passed. I took one about 5pm one day prior to going out for dinner with friends. Oh boy- did I get a buzz! Further experimenting I'm now doing ½ cap and then a ½ cap a couple of hours later. Nice even buzz, pain relief, little "anxiety." I attribute the change in the potency/effects to the additional decarbing that I'm assuming is taking place over time. I'm not sure, but I beleive these caps are at least 90 - to 100 days "old".
Second, bud caps. I decarbed some bud - first dried it for 15 m at 200f and the 220f for 60m. I put .25 of a gram in each cap. Like the cannabutter, at first there was very little effect unless I took two at a time or took one and then another 1 hour later. This bud has now been sitting for nearly 100 days and one cap gives me a good buzz.
My experience correlates what you've been saying all along and recently experienced with aged bud. I haven't tried your "one joint method" but will be doing so soon.
Last night I took some of my oldest HQ bud - Cannatonic - and made up some ⅛ gr caps to experiment with. My plan is to take these caps over the course of a day/days and see how the dosing goes. (I'm finding that, due to what I believe is the decarbing process taking place, that I'm having a hard time getting the dosing right as the potency of the product is changing over time!)
I'll update as I learn more.
Dec 03 2014 Wow! I really appreciate your input.
Your knowledge/experience with using bud is similar to my experience using oil. Well, the same really. I noticed all of the same changes with my oil over time when I was making RSO. I was making good size quantities so it lasted for months. Then all of a sudden I would take the same size dose and it would seem twice as strong and it stayed that way from there forward. With oil I have noticed that if there is no heat applied at all and it naturally decarbs, you can feel the difference with the additional CBDs and terpenes being present or whatever it is. It is strange that you get the same potency buzz, but it just lasts twice as long.
I don't have that much experience with naturally decarbed bud or cooked bud. I tried cooking bud using a few different methods to decarb in the oven. Nonetheless, I was not happy with the results. It did offer a different feeling than what I was used to. I felt that it was a waste considering how much bud it took to even feel anything. That was just cooked for a decarb. I pretty much ate it right away. At that time I had no knowledge of naturally decarbing.
Please do continue to document your experiences with consuming bud.
I will admit it, I am pretty hung up on the oil and eating buds is not my preferred method. It does offer the same quality effects as eating the oil. Just easier for me to take a drop of oil per day vs eating a joint, even a half joint.
I must agree with the unpredictable on the potency and the decarbing is more complicated than what I have posted. I am not sure if it is the natural decarbing, me, or if my oil is evaporating and getting thicker, but it does seem more potent right now. That makes my naturally decarbing oil about 5 months old at this point. I must admit, when I was eating the naturally decarbed bud, the Space Dawg being 6 months old, I had serious problems handling eating 1/2 joint per day. Like I said above, for some reason the naturally decarbed oil lasts twice as long so when you take one dose per day, it kind of builds up and you get more stoned.
February 5, 2017 What I consider truly cured marijuana, is when the buds are dry enough to easily break apart and roll a joint. At least when it comes to naturally decarbed buds.
1. 4 – 6 months dry cured in a jar. 5 - 6 months to ensure full potency. 2. Another type of cure: 30 days with buds moist, but not too moist. Then it will be like wacky weed. This is a dangerous technique when it comes to mold. Something different, but not recommended. or 3. The most common: Allow the buds to dry crispy then put into a jar. Burp the jar daily for up to a week or two until the buds are evenly dry. Then seal for a minimum of 4 months to achieve the natural decarb.
Another benefit to using naturally decarbed buds is with other medicinal herbs, whether it be in cooking, adding to salads, etc. That is where herbology comes in handy.