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Oct 17 2012
It has been a while since I originally started with RSO. I have learned so much more since starting this blog. There is a lot of information I need to add.

Free Cancer Treatment with Rick Simpson Oil.

I would like to treat another person like I treated StoneCrowe316, free, no cost whatsoever.

Here is a link to the offer.

This offer is good through Christmas 2012 unless a patient is found sooner.

Dec 24 2012
The free cancer treatment offer has been taken.

I will be adding information about the new patient in the near future.

First batch of oil for the new patient.
fresh cannabis oil

Dec 27 2012 
Well, the patient has been doing well for the first 4 days of oil therapy. For him, it required a dose about the size of two grains of rice before he started to feel the full effects of the oil. That surprised me a bit.

So far it appears that things could not be better for him or me.

He has been consistently reporting to me on how he is feeling. That in itself is a great asset to him, me, and the medical marijuana community. The more we learn the more we will know the truth about concentrated cannabis oil.

In only four days he has been able to get more than three hours of sleep per night, averaging about five right now. He had a serious issue with night sweats, since starting the oil, the sweats have gone away. He had an issue with being itchy all over, which has become less severe since starting the oil. Also, his blood pressure has gone down. He no longer has the desire to drink beer. He used to drink a few every night to help with sleep. He has noticed some weight gain, which is good because he has lost quite a bit of weight the past couple of months. When he reduced the amount of Xanax, that is when he started feeling the "high" effects of the oil.

Recently he noted that now after a few days of taking the oil and reducing the Xanax, he is now feeling the spaced out and high effects that the oil can cause. This is to be expected.

More to come....

Dec 29 2012
Here is a little update from my new cancer patient. This is something he wrote to start logging his experience. I thought it would be a great addition to this blog. It appears that he has a very high tolerance to the oil, which is a good thing. This way it will make the consuming of 60 grams much easier.

I finally have some time to write. What a wild ride since Christmas Eve! Trying to keep up with everything is a challenge. I have just taken my 10th dose and finished my first gram of oil. My dosage is now about 1/8 gram.

The first couple of days were spent waiting for some incredible buzz to hit any minute. It caused me to feel calm and mildly sedated, starting at a rice grain size and adding just a little at a time.

I had an appointment with the surgeon that removed part of a tonsil to biopsy one week prior yesterday, the 26th. Of course, I started to get a really nice buzz that morning. They expected the biopsy to be positive and the “source” of the metastasized cancer cells found in my lymph node. If the results were positive, chemo and radiation was waiting for me, down the hall. I would need a way out. GiGi and a few others helped me to establish a game plan for any outcome. I have to buy time now. I am in treatment now, but not the one that they want and they can't know it.

The surgeon came into the room and said that “This may sound like good news, but the tonsil biopsy was negative and we aren't sure where the cancer cells are coming from”. “I'd like to..” I said “Excuse me”. He said “What?” I asked him if he had reviewed my family history. He said “No”. I told him that my mother had passed away from melanoma 14 years ago and that had metastasized from a spot on her skin. I asked if an irregular shaped mole, without a smooth surface and scaling, near the neck mass, could be the source, even though it wasn't textbook. I haven't heard from the dermatologist yet.

The doctor then went back to where I interrupted. He said that he wanted to remove the lymph node. I told him that I recalled the radical procedure that he had described to do that. He said that h e wold like to do a “less invasive” procedure “that shouldn't” involve more than a small incision. He wanted to get as much of the node as he could for another biopsy. Since it is his job to know the size of the mass, I told him that I thought it was getting smaller and would he see what he thought. He agreed and said that it was “strange”. I asked him if it would be easier to take out if it kept getting smaller. He said “Yes.” and we agreed to meet in a couple of weeks, after the mole is addressed.

GiGi suggested to start treating the mole topically and hold off any biopsy on it until there are no more excuses. She's the boss!

The buzz is pleasant. I'll keep adding to my dose, but I'm getting to where taking the trash out is a project, instead of a chore. Actually doing it is easy. The preparation takes a while. Where is all the trash? What size bags will I need? Where do I keep those? How many? And, if the phone rings, you have to start all over, if you remember to. Multitasking is a thing of the past. Tasking is taxing. If I have to do business, or something is really important, I seem to be able to lose the buzz completely and have extremely clear, focused thinking and interaction. I would not feel safe to drive, but I could do it.

I have a long history of experimenting with most drugs. I have a tolerance to most. I always leaned toward the sedative side than the stimulant side. My experience with hallucinogens doesn't make me fear a little too much oil and I could never smoke too much good herb, or hash. I've done my share of drinking. I thought that I would tolerate the oil well and I expect to be on a full dose by next week, or the week after. I have not had an interest in smoking anything, or drinking alcohol, since I began taking RSO.

No matter what happens, this is what was meant to be. The doctors are lost now and I am getting treatment. I am getting better. If the mole is the source, maybe they will find a bunch of dead cancer cells in the biopsy. I wonder what they would say . . . if anything.

I have already started to gain a few pounds. My night sweats were gone the first night (I had been soaking one side of the bed and moving over, almost every night). I am sleeping much better, but not great. Still have some strange itching, but that is reduced significantly. I had been getting cold, with sweats. That has not happened since my first dose.

Thanks to everyone and I hope that I get more time to spend here. I just got the news on the 3rd of December and I have had a lot to do since then. A few more documents and some short trips should get the rest finished up. It's getting harder to absorb, the foggier things get!

Continued on Page 4 . . .

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